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We all go a little batty sometimes.đź‘ą
We all go a little batty sometimes.đź‘ą
5Long time ago
3Long time ago
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (7/9/2018)
  Sitting here looking at all of the fallout from the on-going Star Wars debacle and can’t help feeling that the human race is doomed. If you don’t know what is going on, Google it. I don’t have the heart to go into it in detail. But the underlining…
Long time ago
RIP Uncle Larry Curtis Moore. You will be missed.
RIP Uncle Larry Curtis Moore. You will be missed.
16Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/18/2018)
I am sitting here at 9:37 on Sunday night writing this. Instead of my usual coffee I am drinking a beer. Not the norm for me in the last couple of years.  Still, it makes for a nice change in a lot of ways. But, on the other hand, it makes me miss friends…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/8/2018)
Morning everyone. I am feeling so disappointed in the human race today that I am going to shut up before I start World War III with a comment that someone will misinterpret. So here is a quote that sums up how I am feeling this morning better than I ever…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/7/2018)
Wednesday morning is here. I have coffee in hand. I hope you are doing at least as well as I am. Yesterday I was outside in shorts and a tanktop playing with my Nephew. I wake up this morning and there are about two inches of snow on everything. Yes, I…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/6/2018)
Tuesday morning is here and so am I. I hope that you are starting the day off with a smile that will last all day long. If not just remember that you made it through Monday. Which means there is always hope. I remember something we used to do to make us…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/5/2018)
Monday morning is here again and I hope everything is excellent where you are. There are very few of us who can manage to greet the beginning of the week with a smile. There is a sense of predestined doom that hangs over the first day of the week that is…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/2/2018)
Morning all. Friday is here and the weekend is almost upon us. I hope the day finds you happy and well. In the space of twenty-four hours, the grass here has turned green and the sun is predicted to shine for three days straight. Of course, to balance…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (3/1/2018)
Thursday morning is here. I hope everything is going well in your corner of the world. Here in NKY it is 54 degrees and raining a very cold misty rain. It is dark and gloomy. So with my first cup of coffee in hand, I sit at my computer and look at the…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/28/2018)
Wednesday morning is here and I hope your day is going great. Outside the temperature is around 50 degrees and ran is predicted again. Sigh But at least it isn’t snow.  So maybe the light at the end of winter’s tunnel really is Spring and not an…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/27/2018)
Good Tuesday morning all. I hope your day started better than mine. Only an hours sleep last night and I haven’t made coffee yet because I was hoping to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, that isn’t happening. So I am going to start writing this and go make…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/26/2018)
Good Monday morning everyone. I am running a little behind (typical Monday) because I actually slept last night. Real sleep too. Only woke up once to turn off the television, which I remember turning off when I was going to sleep the first time. Maybe I…
1Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/23/2018)
Friday is here and most of America is giving thanks that they have made it through another week. It is nearly Six in the morning, I have coffee in hand and somewhere, not too far away, rain is waiting to pounce again. There are buds on the trees and…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/21/2018)
Good Wednesday morning all. The middle of the week is here. I will stop there before I reference a camel or hump day… Here in Northern Kentucky, it is 65 degrees and rain is imminent for the next four days. So with coffee in hand, I will start by offering…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/20/2018)
Good Morning everyone. I hope that the sun has risen to meet you on whatever path you have to follow this fine Tuesday. Here in Bracken County, Kentucky, It is already windy but the sun is out and we are sitting at a balmy (for the third week in…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/19/2018)
Good Monday Morning everyone. Yes, I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but it is my wish and I’ll say what I want. Running late today. So forgive me for not posting earlier. Life has a way of always tripping us up in little ways that before you know it…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/16/2018)
Good Friday morning all. I hope the day has started well and goes nowhere but up for everyone. There are lots of things in this world that I would love to have the power to change. Most would require omnipotence to pull off (and since none of the tactics…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/15/2018)
Good Thursday morning everyone. First off I want to offer my condolences, thoughts, prayers, Karma or any good vibes I may have acquired over the years to the people of Parkland, Florida after their terrible losses yesterday. Many of you that know me know…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/14/2018)
Good morning all. The day most of the world dreads is here and three words are echoing across the land: Happy Hump Day. Huh? What do you mean it’s Valentine’s Day? No, you don’t have to get the calendar. I believe you…. So here in Bracken County the sun…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/13/2018)
Good Tuesday morning everyone. Hope yesterday was good and today is even better. Decent nights sleep. Coffee. All I need now is for the sun to come out, but that is probably not going to happen since I live in the zone of perpetual twilight called Bracken…
Long time ago
Incoherent Rambling (2/12/2018)
Good Monday morning all. I hope the weekend was everything you could hope for. Mine was pretty good, all things considered. Every one that I know that had been in the hospital over the course of the last week or two is now home and recovering. And I slept…
Long time ago
Incoherent Ramblings (2/9/18)
Lot’s of things going on over the past week have prevented me from taking the time to write the usual “Come on gang we can do this, we are all in this together” pep talk. So…Come on gang we can do this, we are all in this together. Love yourselves and…
Long time ago

“Blood is really warm,
it's like drinking hot chocolate
but with more screaming.”
Ryan Mecum, Zombie Haiku: Good Poetry for Your...Brains


Original Flash Fiction

Tyler Conrad stood on the corner of Fifth and Vine waiting for the light to change. He could hear a chorus of approaching sirens. He turned in the direction they were coming from. They seemed to stop a couple of blocks over. He relaxed...a little. Living in Cincinnati was still new to him and he reacted to things that the people around him ignored. The light changed. Tyler crossed the street to Fountain Square with the crowd.

People were out in force this Saturday morning. Some wearing suits and sipping coffee. A larger group belonged to the shorts and tank tops tribe. Teenage boys and girls with tattoos and piercings were trying hard not to look interested in the horse-drawn carriages pulling up to the Square to start their daily tours of the city. Tyler could only imagine the reactions his Mother would have if she found herself near such a group and smiled. It would do little good to explain that most of them were probably good kids. To his Mother, they would be devil worshipers looking for virgins to sacrifice. 

Little things about living in the city were astounding to Tyler. The number of people on the street at any given hour. The height of the buildings. The clothes the women wore or didn’t wear as the case might be. And the number of attractive women. The woman approaching him was the epitome of all those women. Even from a distance, she was breathtaking. Tyler stopped. 

Her hair was dark and shiny. As she walked Tyler saw flashes of the tight red dress she wore beneath a black trench coat. Her legs were an answered prayer. The woman was still quite a bit away but Tyler felt he was looking at her through binoculars. Every detail about her stood out in astounding clarity. The only thing that he couldn’t tell was the color of her eyes. They were hidden behind sunglasses. Tyler decided that the only color those hidden eyes could be was green. The green of an emerald sitting in the sun. When she was close enough he would reach up and…

Tyler bit his tongue when his teeth clamped together as his shoulder hit the streetlight. Fresh blood assaulted his taste buds. What in the hell had he been doing? In that state, he could have walked into the street and been run down. His shook his head in disbelief. The woman was still approaching him and seemed not to have noticed. 

Not wanting to repeat the mistake Tyler turned his head away from her and toward the street. Only then did he realize that he wasn’t the only person she was having this effect on. The other side of the road was filled with men and women standing motionless as they followed the woman’s passage. Not everyone was watching her. It only took moment for Tyler to see why. Those people were talking on their phones or someone walking with them. They were on auto-pilot and weren’t seeing the woman at all. Amused and uneasy at the same time, Tyler looked toward Fountain Square and saw the same scene playing itself out. For the first time in his adult life, Tyler began to feel something like real fear.

There was something wrong here. Something obvious. But somehow it was slipping between the fingers of his mind. Something he should be seeing about the woman passing on his left. Everyone that looked at her, was spellbound. But why? Everyone had different tastes. Some liked blondes, some redheads. Some liked athletic builds and others, big women. What was it about her? Tyler pulled his attention back from the scene around her to really see her.

A car horn squawked not far away. It wasn’t important. Looking at the woman as a whole Tyler saw what was wrong almost at once. Her shadow didn’t quite reach her feet. Her feet blurred where they touched the ground. Tyler wiped his eyes and looked again. Nothing changed. He couldn’t make his eyes focus on her it seemed. Tyler looked at her face. Somewhere Tyler could hear what sounded like the horn section of an orchestra warming up. Then the sounds were forgotten.

Really looking at the woman Tyler saw her for the first time. Tyler felt his jaw drop as his muscles went limp. The lamp post in front of him was the only thing stopping Tyler from hitting the ground. Her face shimmered and shifted like the tiny bits of colored glass in a kaleidoscope. Spinning, separating and combining once more. Again and again. So fast that the motions were a blur that hurt his mind. Understanding washed over him as he heard several flute-like wails flutter out from among the ongoing horns. A disjointed part of his mind understood that the wails were screams. Tyler assumed that the others were seeing the “woman” as she really was. Still turning Tyler managed to draw in breath to add his voice to the chorus of shouts. 

The yellow cab’s front end jumped the curb with a coughing bark of metal on concrete, it’s front end rearing up into the air like a frightened pony. The bumper, still pristine having somehow missed the curb, slammed into Tyler’s thighs. The sharp crack of breaking bone was followed a millisecond later by the sound of rotten fruit hitting concrete. Tyler’s face slammed into the hood. The steel lamp post folded ninety degrees, pinning Tyler to the hood. Red lightning bolts erupted on yellow steel. The smell of antifreeze and blood filled the air. 

The last thing Tyler saw, in the fading light of his dying eyes, was the cabby turning his head to the left. Even now, the driver couldn’t pull his gaze from the “woman” walking toward Fort Washington Way which led to I-275. She didn’t look back. Never broke stride. Tyler tried to warn the gathering crowd, but his voice, like his life, was gone.


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